The roots of Gruppo Zucchetti have been sunk in solid family tradition since 1929. Design and technological innovation blend together to produce items that represent a point of reference all over the world. Strictly Italian research, innovation and design means special attention to detail, materials and finish. Simple but never ordinary, Zucchetti is based on a careful choice of taste and practicality.
Wall-mounted shower support with shower connection
Slide rail with adjustable bracket. Length 800mm.
Wall mounted shower arm. Length 350mm.
Ceiling mounted shower arm. Length 130mm
Ceiling mounted shower arm. Length 300mm
Pop-up waste and overflow, brass body.
Bath pop-up waste and overflow, with filler, brass body.
Complete slider rail lehgth 800mm, handshower Z94175, 1500mm flexible hose.
Built-in diverter for bath-shower mixer with built-in part R99629
3/4" built-in thermostatic shower mixer with stop valve. Including Built-in part R99630
3/4" built-in thermostatic shower mixer with 3 stop valves. Including Built-in part R99632
Shower hose 1/2"x1/2"x1500mm
3 hole built-in basin mixer. Including Built-in part, variable distance
Built-in basin mixer. Including Built-in part
Built-in basin mixer with deck mounted spout, 1.25 pop-up waste. Including Built-in part R99503.
Towel holder, length 30cm.
Towel holder, length 40cm.
Towel holder, length 50cm.
WC brush set, free standing.
WC brush set, wall mounted.
Angle stop valve 1/2" inlet, with filter.
1/2" wall valve. Including Built-in part R99779
Lateral shower head, simple jet, for shower box, with anti-limescale system.
Brass shower head with anti-limescale system.
Single hole bidet mixer with aerator, 1.25" pop-up waste, flexible tails.
4 hole bath mixer, pull-out shower, 1500mm flexible hose.
Wall mounted shower arm. Length 350mm.
Ceiling mounted shower arm. Length 130mm.
Ceiling mounted shower arm. Length 300mm.
Pop-up bath tub waste with brass body, automatic waste.
Complete slider rail length 700mm, handshower, 1500mm flexible hose.
3 way built-in diverter for bath-shower mixer. Including Built-in part
Built-in single lever shower mixer. Including built-in part
3/4" Built-in thermostatic shower mixer, with stop valve. Including Built-in part
Built-in shower mixer, taps Hot and Cold. Including Built-in part
Single lever basin mixer with aerator, q.25" pop-up waste, flexible tails.
3 hole basin mixer with aerator, 1.25" pop-up waste, flexible tails.
3 hole basin mixer with aerator, high spout, 1.25" pop-up waste, flexible tails.
3 hole built-in basin mixer, with aerator. Including Built-in part variable distance
Toilet paper holder with cover.
WC brush set, free standing.
WC brush set, wall mounted.
Wall valve 1/2". Including Built-in part
Angle stop valve 1/2" inlet, with filter. 2 Pieces
Lateral shower head, simple jet, for shower box, with anti-limescale system.
Brass shower head 210mm, with anti-limescale system. Shower arm available.
Brass shower head 210mm, with anti-limescale system. Shower arm Z93025 available.
Built-in single lever bath-shower mixer with diverter. Including Built-in part
Exposed bath-shower mixer with diverter, handshower, 1500mm flexible hose.
3 hole built-in bath-shower mixer with 3 way diverter. Including Built-in part
Angle stop valve 1/2" inlet, with filter.
Pop-up waste with lever control.
Pop-up waste with pull knob.
Pop-up waste with push system.
Single hole bidet mixer, swivel spout with aerator, flexible tails, without pop-up waste.
3 hole bidet mixer, swivel spout with aerator, flexible tails, without pop-up waste.
5 hole bath-mixer with swivel spout, pull out shower Z94171, 1500mm flexible hose.