We stock a fantastic range of kitchen mixer taps in contemporary and traditional styles.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated.
Deck sink mixer.chrome plated.
Sink mixer,chrome plated.
Chill monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic cartridge.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated with metal heads.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated without heads.
Budget monobloc sink mixer,,chrome plated with mwtal heads.
Budget monobloc mixer,white.
Deck sink mixer,chrome plated with metal heads.
Deck sink mixer,chrome plated with no heads.
Budget deck sink mixer,chrome plated with metal heads.
Monobloc single flow sink mixer,chrome plated with metal heads.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated.
Monobloc sink mixer,brushed nickel plated.
Monobloc sink mixer,antique bronze plated.
Bridge sink mixer,chrome plated.
Bridge sink mixer,brushed nickel plated.
Bridge sink mixer,bronze plated.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Deck sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Deck sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Disco monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Echo monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Eldora monobloc sink mixer with swivel nozzle,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Fuse monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc,product supplied with single check valve.
G-type monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Java monobloc mixer,chrome plated,ceramic cartriddge.
Single flow sink mixer,steel,ceramic cartridge.
Single flow monobloc sink mixer,white,ceramic cartridge.
Java single flow monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic cartridge.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,stainless steel cartridge.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated.
Monobloc sink mixer,gold plated.
Twin jets, extractable hose, swivel spout, chrome HP1
Swivel spout, stainless steel LP
Swivel spout, stainless steel LP
Swivel spout, stainless steel LP
Swivel spout, stainless steel LP
Square spout, swivel spout, chrome LP
Monobloc sink mixer 3" (76mm) lever,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Deck sink mixer 3" (76mm) & 6" (152mm) levers,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Deck sink mixer 3" (76mm) & 6" (152mm) levers,chrome plated 6",ceramic disc.
Bridge sink mixer 3" (76mm) & 6" (152mm) levers,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Pillar bridge sink mixer 3" (76mm) levers,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Wall mounted bridge sink mixer 3" (76mm) levers,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.
Monobloc sink mixer,chrome plated with metal heads.
Deck mounted sink mixer,chrome plated,ceramic disc.Shown with snub lever.